And in day two of limiting calories and increasing activity, we seem to be still on track. We went to the mall, mainly to exchange a gift, but decided that while we were there we might as well get in some activity so we decided to take a walk around the Mall which by the way at 10:00 am on a Monday, seemed to be made up of very single minded, determined walking senior citizens who seemingly have laid claim to the Mall, and let me tell you, if you are not walking at their specific pace, the looks you get are deadly, not to mention the sneering snorts.
I'm thinking that there must be some sort of walking etiquette that has been established by this group that is not readily available to the rest of us. A man with a cane in any other environment would not look nearly as menacing. The food court must be the reward for finishing the race, as many seniors were there sipping coffee and playing cards.
If by chance this winter takes a turn for the snowy, and we need a place to go for a daily walk, getting my hands on those rules for walking the mall will be essential. I am assuming window shopping is out of the question, not to mention casual conversation while you stroll. I'm betting that doing either guarantees an evil eye accompanied by a haughty harramph.
January 2, 2012: Looking down at my wrist as I type this I marvel at the beautiful watch with the shiny black face that was a special gift for me from hubby this Christmas, very nice, very thankful.
Heard other similar comments from mall walkers. Guess there is always a "pecking order" no matter where you walk. As you know, I walk on the bike path a lot (when it isn't piled up with snow and ice). By far, the spandex covered "professional" bikers (at least they think they are), no matter what gender, rule the bike path and walkers take warning to get out of their way.I have almost been run down several times so usually pick my walking times when I know it's mostly less aggressive folks out walking, running and riding.