Day 24 - National Peanut Butter Day
In case you may have missed the big announcement, today is National Peanut Butter Day. And I think it definitely deserves its own day. My entire elementary education was fueled by peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If I remember correctly, (and yes I almost need the Way-Back machine on this one) by the time we got to lunch, the jelly would have just about leached its way through the squishy soft Wonder bread, and the apple which was supposed to be on the bottom of the bag always managed to squish the very center of the bread so there was an enormous dent in the middle of the sandwich causing the jelly to ooze. But it was great anyway! Much better than warm bologna and mayo, and infinitely better than the warm fried egg with ketchup sandwich that Franny Carew ate every single day of fifth grade. Peanut butter sandwiches without the jelly even beats out a lousy plastic thermos filled with lukewarm runny Campbell's tomato soup that you had to drink from the thermos' top, which was a poor excuse for a cup. Yup, peanut butter and American Elementary Education go hand in hand, thus explaining the need for a national day of recognition.
I still like peanut butter on toast, and I am also partial to peanut butter cookies. I feel bad for kids who have a peanut allergy, as there is something synonymous with peanut butter and childhood. But make sure its Creamy, no fair trying to sneak in the crunchy crap and thus throwing off the synergy of the sandwich.
January 24, 2010: Today it was 54 degrees and sunny, snow vanishing overnight with the heavy rains, great day for a walk by the water. Life is good!
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