Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29 - Manners, Where are the Manners?

I think I need to point this out, but I be a lotta folks have already noticed it, when did table manners suddenly become passe? Hubby and I celebrated  his birthday today by going out for lupper, basically a very late lunch, or a very early supper. Works for us, no heavy foods to digest late at night, and usually we manage to avoid any long wait at our favorite restaurants.
One of the first things that I noticed is that not one baseball cap wearing male took a hat off to eat. Afraid the lights might be too bright?
Secondly, chewing with mouths wide open, and to add insult to injury, trying to speak at the same time.Ewwwwwwwww.
Thirdly, when did it become fashionable to place your head almost on top of  your plate to eat? I guess it take less energy getting the fork to your mouth, and I must admit there is  less chance of missing your mouth. But it reminds me of a pig slurping up slop in a trough.
I saw tables that still had napkins on them, instead of being placed in one's lap, and no one seemed to wait until the entire table was served before digging in.
I blame parents. The basics should be learned at home. I have heard of major corporations who actually have to send their newly hired personnel to etiquette classes as they have no idea what is appropriate while dining. And this has nothing to do with what fork to use.
I also blame fast food. When you no longer have to set a table, learning where the fork and knife should go, and where a napkin should be placed because everything you are going to eat comes nicely packaged and requires no accouterments, you never learn how you should act when eating out in public whether it be in a restaurant or at a business function. I think we should all play it forward and given the opportunity lead by example.
Manners, I do not want them to be a thing of the past. How awful would it be to be told as an adult that you are an embarassment to the company when you eat out? I am a proponent of teaching manners at an early age, start with please and thank-you, and when kids are ready, let them know what is acceptable and what is not, thus giving everyone eating in an open concept dining area a break!

January 29, 2012: I am happy to share my hubby's birthday today.

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