I just read in this morning's paper that unemployment claims are down substantially, and that is definitely good news for the economy. After trying to reach the unemployment offices of both the states of Massachusetts (where I was employed) and the unemployment offices of Rhode Island (where I live) for the past 5 days, I think I am beginning to understand why the numbers have gone down, NO ONE IS ANSWERING THE PHONES! I tried going on-line, thought it would be the most direct route, but because I live in one state and worked in another, the initial contact must be made by phone. And how about these hours? RI opens its phones at 8:30am and closes them at 2:25pm.Frustrating. Massachuestts' automated system makes you put in your social security number and year of birth and listen to endless information about how else they can be contacted, which in turn allows you to think that this process is almost over. WRONG. On 26 different occasions I put in my social security number, and entered my year of birth and listened to the pre-recorded alternatives, only to have the phone ring through to an automated message that says: "Due to an unexpected amount of calls to the system, please try later". Like I said, I am skeptical about the unemployment numbers, I just think folks can't get through and are giving up.
January 6,2012: I am thankful that there is something called unemployment insurance, and will be more thankful when I get through to my local call center.
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