Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27 - Just a Matter of Taste - Buds!

I am slowly accepting the fact that I now qualify for senior citizen discount days at the movies, and when taking surveys I have moved up to the next level when having to check off the age range. I even acknowledge that my knees do ache, and on occasion just bending down to put on my socks has been known to throw my back out. I wear tri-focals, I take Omega oil capsules and I have no idea what the natural color of my hair is. And like I said, I actually have come to terms with all of this as just part of growing older. And today, WHAM, I read this article on Yahoo, saying that my taste buds are going to diminish!  At a young age we have the ability to regenerate taste buds, but starting at age 40 that neat trick begins to abate. Dilemma! I am currently dieting, and am abstaining from the really tasty tidbits like eclairs, lemon meringue pie and hot fudge sundaes. This article makes me think that my taste buds will slowly just fade away, until one day everything tastes the same. I am thinking that I should really consider what I want to relish now, while the taste buds can still do their thing. Maybe I can reconsider this diet thing in about 10 years when everything is going to taste the same anyway. Food for thought, so to speak. And another thought just popped into my head, I better start buying and drinking all of the fine wines I always wanted to sample while I still have the good taste buds. 10 years is a very short time, hope it's enough to sip my way through the white wine aisle of my favorite packy.

January 27: I am happy that I can still appreciate the taste of a good Alfredo sauce! Tonight's supper, in moderation.

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