Day 3 - Fatty Squirrels
Today I have been watching a very fat squirrel attempt to empty our cylindrical bird feeders to no avail. Generally I would feel sorry for the creature, but I feel that this guy and his associates the band of marauding squirrels that have invaded our back yard, have eaten quite enough of this household's bounty. They have dined on every tulip bulb that I have ever planted, and they have dug up seedlings in the quest for some peanut that they buried years before. For the time being our squirrel baffle and the general placement of the shepherd's hook that holds the feeders are defeating this year's invasion. However, when it snows and for the convenience of the homeowners,(i.e.hubby) the hooks are placed closer to the deck, I think that we will start contributing to even fatter squirrels in the backyard which should slow them down a bit, and maybe, just maybe making them a bit more tantalizing for aHawk that occasionally does the fly by.
January 3rd: I am thrilled that there is still birdseed in the feeder, and suet on the hook so that I caught a look at a Downy woodpecker, a Flicker woodpecker and Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal.
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