Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 54 - Who Gets to Choose?

I just finished reading an article about trends in food for 2012, specifically what will be hot and what will not when it comes to desserts. I always wonder who is the almighty know it all who proclaims these things, but I digress. For all of you pie lovers out there - pie is no longer considered trendy, it is passe. To be honest with you, I never even knew it was au courant. Pie, to me, is perfect for Thanksgiving, and possibly for Christmas and an apple pie is certainly welcomed during apple picking season, but for the rest of the year? I don't think so. I guess I must have missed the trendiness of it last year. But the big news on what will be the hot dessert for'll never guess...the doughnut! The doughnut???????? I want to see the credentials on the guy who decided that the doughnut will be the trendy dessert for 2012. First of all, it's breakfast food, or maybe it could even be considered a quick snack food, but a dessert? Never! Picture telling the waitstaff at your favorite restaurant that you will be ordering an adult beverage flavored coffee and instead of the flan, creme brulet or baked alaska,  just bring me a doughtnut, you know, the 2012 trendy dessert. I sometimes think that people must need to meet deadlines and so they submit a few hundred authoritatively written words and hope that no one questions. Well I'm questioning this, there is no possible way that the doughnut is the trendy dessert for 2012 and I am now having my doubts about the pie thing for 2011.

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