I need an inventor. I want someone to invent a gadget for my car, so that when another driver does something insanely stupid or just plain rude, I can shoot out a sticker that will splat against the back bumper and say, Beware of the jerk behind the steering wheel. And it gets delivered in such a way that the driver never sees it coming, and only notices it once he has parked his vehicle.
I drove to my daughter's house this evening, taking the highway. There was a lighted sign, maybe 10 feet by 10 feet announcing that in 2 miles the right lane would end. I think that is more than enough time to get out of the right lane and either into the middle or left lane. And did that happen....NOOOOOOOOO. Idiot drivers continued in the right hand lane, and then frantically braked when the jersey barriers appeared and the lane they were driving in was no longer. I might add, after the initial lighted sign, there were additional signs warning about the lane ending placed every quarter of a mile until the actual ending of the lane.
And just as a public announcement, the third lane is the passing lane, anyone in that lane should be passing another car. I think that the ancient cream colored boat of a car, driven by Methuselah, and going a nifty 45 MPH in the passing lane that caused everyone to do the zig-zag maneuver, ( you know the drill, into the middle lane, speed up and give the single digit salute at the boat of a cream colored car as you pass them and then jump in front of them into the passing lane) deserves the Beware of the jerk behind the steering wheel, sticker.
I think this new invention could be marketed as the most desirable au courant accessory available today. Need is the mother of invention, and Lord knows we need it!
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