Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51 - Dessert for Breakfast?

Do you remember the Bill Cosby comedy bit where he decided to give his kids chocolate cake for breakfast? "Dad is great, he gives us chocolate cake". And he tries to explain away the fact that he is just too lazy to make breakfast, and the cake is there, so why not. It has eggs in it, right?
Well, he might just have been a bit ahead of his time. According to the folks from Tel Aviv University in an article on Yahoo, eating dessert as part of a 600-calorie breakfast that includes proteins and carbs can help people lose weight-and keep it off. Finally a university study that I actually believe.
In a  32-week study, scientists found that people who had dessert- whether it be cookies, cake, or chocolate-with their breakfast lost an average of 40 pounds more than people who avoided sweets…and here is the bonus part, they didn't gain the weight back.
Why does it work?  A body's metabolism is the most active in the morning hours. In the a.m. it is better able to burn off the calories during the day as opposed to, say, having some ice cream after dinner when the metabolism beging to slow down in preparation for sleep.

Growing up I can only remember one time being allowed to have dessert for breakfast. We were moving and my mother, who would never want to waste anything, opened the freezer and put all of the containers of ice cream on the table, and told us to dig in. It was a kid's dream, being allowed to eat ice cream for breakfast. And eat it until there was nothing left!
I think these folks at Tel Aviv University just might be on to something. Next time I go out for breakfast I think I am going to order the bacon and eggs and a side of chocolate cake. I'm telling you I can almost see the pounds floating away now.

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