Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 42 - AHCHOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not good at being sick. This past Thursday morning I woke up with a cold, a good old fashioned stuffy head, breathe through your mouth kind of cold. And I hate it. I hate that the end of my nose now feels like sandpaper from the constant blowing and wiping, and I hate that it is now red making me look like Rudolph. When I have a cold, everything seems just a little off. I drop things, it takes me longer to do the morning crossword, and I just don't seem to think very clearly. I do not let this try to run its course on its own, Oh No, I am a firm believer in trying every cold remedy known to man, better living through chemicals is my motto. I have tried NyQuil, DayQuil, Mucinex DM, and last night resorted to searching the medicine cabinet for the small container of Vick's vapor rub in hopes that it would allow me to breathe through my nose so I could finally get some sleep. Lack of sleep due to a cold makes me very cranky. And I have a tendency to feel very sorry for myself. Tomorrow is our Pre-Valentine's day celebratory dinner, and come hell or high water, I am going to enjoy it. I am only hoping that the sneezing fits that have accosted me for the last 3 days, don't sneak up on me when I am totally enjoying an adult beverage. Would not be a pretty sight. I am going prepared. I plan on packing alot of Kleenex, and wearing a blouse with really thick, absorbent sleeves, just in case - can never be too cautious, with the coughing and sneezing into the elbow schtick.

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