Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32 - Pink Goop Now Missing from Burgers

I am thrilled that Chef, Jamie Oliver's non-stop crusade against McDonalds has finally paid off. The substance called pink goop that they have been adding to their hamburgers for years has finally been eliminated.
I wonder when they started using it? I started eating hamburgers and fries at McDonalds when then entire meal (including a coke)  could be bought for 45 cents, and I loved every bite of it. I don't remember just when I stopped eating at McDonalds, but  I do remember why, I always felt sick to my stomach after eating there. And I always blamed it on the fries, saying they just didn't settle well. I could never have begun to imagine that this company was adding meat by-products infused in an ammonia compound to their burgers. And that the FDA said it was OK for human consumption. Just thinking about this makes me sick! I am wondering how much of this pink goop was added, was there ever any beef? Definitely makes that old "Where's the Beef"  ad from one of their competitor's more relevant now, doesn't it? Makes you wonder what that competitor knew way back then. Removing the pink goop from the burger isn't going to make me run out and go to McDonalds, but if ever I do, I think I'm going to go with the McNuggets, staying away from the burgers and that kind of suspect square fish that they also have on the menu.

February 1, 2012: I am thankful that the flu is on its way out.

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