Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 71 - Oh My Aching Back !

I hurt my back today. Not by doing something exotic like bunging jumping from an incredibly high bridge, or slalom skiing down a steep mountain, nope the oh so exotic way I chose to throw out my back was to simply step out of the shower. I slipped, caught myself before I could fall, and immediately felt the pull in my right hip couipled with the ever so lovely tingle that ran down the length of my leg culminating at the tip of my big toe. This has happened to me before, once when leaning across a desk to close a window, and the other time I simply bent to my right to load the dishwasher.
I am always surprised when something like this happens, and really do not appreciate the pain and the carefulness that I must go through waiting for everything to return to normal. Very easy to feel sorry for myself. I am taking medication, I have an icy cold patch on my derriere and I have been in the recliner with the heating pad propped against my back as I am attacking this with all my might to avoid the shot in the buttocks that was needed the last time my back decided to go out. And I am remembering the sage advice the ever so young Dr. Doogie Howser gave me, at your age, if this happened once, chances are that it will happen again. I hate that he prefaced his statement with the phrase, at your age. At least this time I know what to do.
How do athletes continue to play with bad backs? Years ago I remember Larry Bird laying on the sidelines trying to stretch out his back so he could get back into the game. I am doing  a similar thing, except it's not the sidelines, it's a leather couch, and there is no game - just want to get my pain free life back. Yet once again I am being waited on by Hubby. I am gong to owe him big once I get back onto my feet. Looks like there might be brownies or some other sweet delight coming his way.

1 comment:

  1. Broke my pathetic-and-not-the-least-bit-necessary pinky toe once getting out of the shower. Hurt like childbirth for crying out loud...well, c-section recovery anyway. Use yours to get free breakfast in bed and back rubs. Hope you feel better soon.
